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Jet Refresh refreshes pivot table only

(email from Miha)

I see this happening more and more. Our clients are using PivotTables only, and when asked to refresh, they go to Jet tab and click refresh. That takes waaaaaaaay longer (since Jet checks for any formulas, replicators, etc), not to mention it shifts everything around to add the Auto+Hide in cell A1. On top of that, if such a report is saved and sent to users that are only viewers, they can’t refresh it via Jet ribbon, as they get the error below (attached).


It would be great, if Jet could somehow “scan” the file first to see, if there are actually any Jet formulas or just PivotTables, and if there are no formulas, just do a regular Refresh All Excel command.

  • Kim Duey
  • Jun 22 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Kim Duey commented
    June 22, 2017 22:27

    The auto-add of Auto+Hide comes into play significantly in the Jet Web Portal, where the only way to view a report is to Run it.