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Build easily combined columns in the table Builder Wizard

The Table Builder is a great starting Point for a table that is finally used as the base data of an Pivot table. However, to show in the Pivot able the Information like customer nr + customer Name in one row (for example "10000 - Meller Industries") you have to Combine to columns (nr + Name) already in the table builder wizard wiht a Formular and then the appropiate text-Formulars like @nr&" -"&@Name.

My experience when doing trainings is that many customers just struggle with this and don't get it. They don't even realize that there is the "Formular"-Function and that it can be used for this.

So I want highly recommend that you find an easy way to select to columns and support the customer to create a combined coloumn with a certain text between bot columns. This would be of great benefit.

  • Guest
  • Aug 1 2017
  • Under Consideration
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