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Implement batch scheduling functionality in web portal

I am sure this is in the pipeline, and is going to need some consideration on how to implement, and implement well, but if we can get batch scheduling in the portal, we can do away with our current standalone JetReport server and save our users a whole metric tonne of work and headaches.

  • Guest
  • Sep 13 2017
  • Under Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Darren Hunt commented
    25 May, 2021 11:33pm

    Please share a current status update on this one? In the absence of a current update the audience is left to speculate. For an idea whose inception date is Nov 2017 and last comment by a company representative is Dec 2018, the lack of a recent official response indicates the "Under Consideration" tag is perhaps misleading -- at best.

  • Guest commented
    30 Jan, 2020 04:55pm

    Any progress on this? I don't really want to keep asking once a year :P

  • Guest commented
    20 Jan, 2020 10:37pm

    Is there any update on this? It seems crazy that the Hub functionality is so limited. Running reports on a spare laptop using the Excel scheduler is not ideal!

  • Guest commented
    26 Jul, 2019 11:20am

    I am really hoping this one is up at the top of the list somewhere, as our accounts team are a bit frustrated with the way we are currently having to use batch scheduling in Windows, and are talking about ditching Jet in favour of Zetadocs.


    I would rather stick with Jet, but without batch scheduling in the Hub, it won't happen.

  • Heather Rowe commented
    3 Jan, 2019 02:25pm

    Looking forward to seeing if this can be implemented.  I have finally gained access to the Web Scheduler, and am looking to move several of the reports that we currently run over to cut back on the need to dedicate a computer to just running reports.  Batch scheduling would make this process MUCH easier.

  • Kim Duey commented
    12 Dec, 2018 04:51pm

    This is still under consideration. We definitely see the value in making this happen and have done some user research on the topic. It just has not been prioritized to the immediate roadmap, so planning and implementation have not taken place yet. 

  • Guest commented
    12 Dec, 2018 11:31am

    Is this still only under consideration, and not planned, nor in implementation?

    Super keen to have this functionality in the Jet Hub!!

  • Guest commented
    19 Sep, 2017 02:15pm

    Great news, thanks. One thing that may also be useful, is to give the scheduler a calendar type layout as a possible view. This would make it simpler to see what tasks you have coming up and to spot any conflicting time slots. Possibly also an admin view to let admins see ALL scheduled stuff across all users, to diagnose conflicting run times etc.

  • Kim Duey commented
    19 Sep, 2017 01:50pm

    You are correct and we agree.  Our intention is to make the Web Scheduler do everything the Excel Add-in scheduler can do including batch.  This will take some time, but we think we can also make batch scheduling easier.  Please check back for status updates and to vote on other ideas.