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In smaller countries we often swap between different languages. I could write a report in English Excel with IF statements one day and open it in Danish Excel the next day. That works fine because Excel can automatically translate functions to different langages. In Danish the IF function is called HVIS.
But Jet Reports doesn't support language translation when using functions in the table builder, so if I use IF in a Table builder function in English Excel it works fine.
But If I use the same Excel-file in Danish Excel i get an error
The same goes for the use of commas in functions. Outside USA we use semicolon in stead of comma in Excel functions.
I have attached an Excel-file with the same calculation in two different cells. One using IF and the other using HVIS
=NP("Formel";"IF([@[Amount (LCY)]]-[@[Amount]]=0,""LCY"",""LOCAL"")
=NP("Formel";"HVIS([@[Amount (LCY)]]-[@[Amount]]=0;""LCY"";""LOCAL"")")