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Sync Update Package with Project Perspectives

Creating an Update Package to deploy and execute one (or few) cube(s) is a time-consuming task, and as additional table data is brought in, a maintenance challenge is created. Since each Cube creates a Project Perspective which is always kept up to date, it would be great if users could sync an update package with one or more project perspective. This is better than simply updating a Project Perspective, since that would disable the other cubes (since only one perspective may be active at a time).

  • Guest
  • Nov 9 2017
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • Kim Duey commented
    13 Jun, 2018 08:31pm

    Hello Ben, it is currently possible to create an execution package in the Jet Data Manager that uses the project perspective to control what is executed. This way if you add a new table, dimension, etc. to a project perspective (ie: Finance) then it will automatically be included in the update process. I have attached a screenshot of this.