Product Ideas

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It's time to split this list into some folders.

i just went thru six pages and this list will only get longer. An obvious start would be to have a Portal folder where only those concerns would reside.  Other folders could be created as needed.  i realize this takes some moderator work but if you don't do it soon, readership will fall off as the list gets too long and unindexed.

  • Michael Kaptein
  • Nov 23 2017
  • Under Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Michael Kaptein commented
    30 Nov, 2017 08:18pm

    Thanks Kim.

    I think we use the same software internally and I’m told it’s the same issue. I’m just very glad that Jet is listening and trying to help make it better.


  • Kim Duey commented
    30 Nov, 2017 06:21pm

    I assume you are talking about the ideas portal.  The categories listed in the filter section is meant to provide some of this organization.  I see that a couple of those categories have gotten a bit large.  We may look into splitting those up.

    There may be other things we can do to help improve searchability.  Feedback portal apps, in general, are limited in what you can do on the front-facing side, particularly as how we manage the ideas on the back side can affect this.