Product Ideas

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Jet Web Portal Administrator has full rights

As an administrator you I often have to check reports from our customers and see the details to be helpful. I'm neither able to open reports nor see the details of reports that are not mine (I'm not the owner). I'd like to be able to open all reports and see every details of those reports as an administrator.

What do you think?

  • Johannes Herlitzius
  • Jan 24 2018
  • Under Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Johannes Herlitzius commented
    29 Jan, 2018 07:09am

     As far as I know admins can access any data they like, don't they? From my point of view, there are no concerns, but I'm an admin as well.

  • Kim Duey commented
    26 Jan, 2018 06:51pm

    Are there concerns about admins having access to sensitive data in reports?