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Webportal Generated File with Timestamp

Some of Users want to generate a Report with different Parameters.

Because of the Generated Filename which is the reportname, Excel could only open a report a time.

So the User have to save the Report under a differerent name and generate a with the other Parameter.


When the Webportal add a  Timestamp (date-time-seconds) then the  User can open more generated files wiith out save it.


Final Questions: Is it Possible to add a Timestamp to generated Excelfile?


Thank you

  • Guest
  • Jun 21 2018
  • Declined
  • Attach files
  • Kim Duey commented
    July 11, 2018 20:30


    Thank you for your post. I wanted to clarify some of your points. 

    Are you or your users downloading the Excel file or opening in Excel online?

    Is there a particular error message your users are getting?
