Product Ideas

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JETPRO-I-247 Make building report filters easier.

Interface that helps users easily build filters Merged

Currently, users write logical expressions in Jet Reports using C/AL Operators. While use of these operators are understood better by users who also use them in Dynamics NAV, they are not as intuitive to users as graphical interfaces that use visual layout and natural language to construct logical expressions. A feature that allows users to build logical expressions would enable more effective use of filters (see examples in attached images). Some advantages of this tool could include:

  1. Adding OR and AND clauses
  2. Differentiating between EQUALS, CONTAINS, DOES NOT EQUAL, and DOES NOT CONTAIN
  3. Detecting numeric and date fields and providing operators like GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, DATE RANGE, IN THE LAST X MONTHS, etc.
  • Loren Guerriero
  • Jul 25 2018
  • Under Consideration