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Hanging executions when reading data from Business Central Cloud

At a customer they experience that data from their BC Cloud is not updated in the DWH / Cubes. The cause is that the execution hangs with "Running/Unknown", which hinders new executions to start. Root cause analysis shows that execution hangs on data transfer from BC Cloud.
See SF Case# 02867095

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2023
  • Attach files
  • Thomas Duun commented
    September 18, 2023 12:55

    We have a project that is hanging approximately once a week. The project remains Hanging/Unknown in the execution overview. If we examine the executionpackagelogdetails table in the repository we can see that it hangs on transfer from the BC Cloud data source every time. It is different tables and at different times, so there is no exact pattern.

    We think that some kind of timeout setting on the BC connector could be very helpful. That way, Jet Data Manager would only wait for a certain time for BC to respond and then shut the connection and return an error instead of just hanging for eternity. Such timeouts exists on most other data sources, but not the BC Cloud. The code shows that there is a timeout parameter, but that it has not been implemented in the GUI or the Insight Software part of the BC Adapter Code.