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update excel function for jet hub - SEARCH

could add the following excel functions to the jet hub that are substitute and search this could be useful when working reports that need to replace a certain chain of information, also find in what position is the text string that will be want to substitute or combined with other formulas of excel and we would save several steps to be able to find the wished text and at the time of substite it

  • jorge zelaya
  • Oct 10 2018
  • Released
  • Nov 13, 2018

    Admin response

    With the cumulative update 19.2 (19.2.18311.1), support for the SEARCH() Excel function was added to Jet Hub. Reports with this function can now be uploaded and run successfully from Jet Hub.

  • Attach files
  • jorge zelaya commented
    October 10, 2018 20:46

    Sorry for the inconvenience I do not realize that those functions were added in the last update and about another function can be search since this function does not affect you if it is in uppercase or lowercase the chain of text that you want

  • Lynn Zartman commented
    October 10, 2018 20:29

    SUBSTITUTE and FIND are supported in the latest version of the Jet Hub.  For a list of functions supported in the Jet Hub, please go our Help Center:  Are there other functions you're looking for as well?