Product Ideas

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JETESS-I-3 Auto-fill fields in Jfx.

When you use the NL jet functions to search for a table name, field etc. you need to first press F6, then type in your search text. I have now seen a lot of customer beginning to type, then pressing F6(I do it my self sometimes as well). which dosn't work.. could it be possible that the text you have already written functions as your search text when you press F6. Merged

Makes it easier, so people doesn't have to retype.  itøs not a big time, loss it will just make it more efficient.  

  • Mike Seisbye
  • Oct 29 2018
  • Planned
  • Kim Duey commented
    October 29, 2018 14:21

    We are actually looking at re-doing the interactions in the Jfx regarding search in the fields. This behavior has been a long time annoyance. I will merge this with an existing idea. We may not implement your exact solution or other offered solutions, but we will address the issue of users forgetting to hit F6 and just starting to type with the desire to search.