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Jet Budgets - sync Dimension

situation: After the Budget was created in Jet Budgets, the Dimension in NAV were adjusted. You can synchronise the dimension in the budget which add new added Dimensions to the existing Budget. However, in our case the customer had to removed dimension values. As the budget for this company was create prior removing the values the synchronisation has not removed them in the split by dimensions or filter option. However, as they are no longer existing the user also couldn't dis-select them in the Jet Budgets. It was either the case to create a new Budget with 40 work Items or add the removed values back to NAV, so that the customer could dis-select them in the work items. 

Sync of Dimensions should take in consideration the removal of values and remove the values hold against the Budget. 

  • Andrea Kuhn
  • Feb 7 2019
  • Under Consideration
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