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hello ,
a pleasure to say hello, I wanted to share my opinion with respect to report builder that used jetdata view I do not know if will returb or not to the tool
1. the problem is for end users who do not have a technical level or knowledge of the tables to use, so using these tools only used the view and they already knew what information they were seeing that com form sales , iventory, purchases, etc
2. I do not know if there is an equivalent currently in the last versions but it can not be the browser or the table builder because to use them it must be a user that knows the tables to use and how they are conformed and the fields
it could be concluded that if in future releases or in the next one it could be added again this functionality for the users that do not know the structure of the base and tables are made easier to create their own reports just by seeing the view created from nav and see where the information comes from and i dont know if exist the equivalent for report builder in the latest verions