Do you want to play a crucial role in shaping Jet Global products?
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JETPRO-I-132 Allow the user of "Windows Authentication (Other User)" on cube data sources.
When 2 domains are connected through VPN, you can use a direct connection to the Analysis Services server, but you can not use the windows credentials because the user and the server are in different domains.
Now you have to setup an IIS on the server which can be avoided by given the ability to use a different windows login.
The different windows login is now only available when using a http connection to the Analysis Services server.
It should be easy to have it available always.
This idea is similar to an existing idea that I will merge this into which will also add your vote. If you disagree, please reply with any further information.
Thank you so much for your contribution!