Product Ideas

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Jet Budget - Dimension Sorting

A Company often has a lot of Dimensions Values such as 'Countries' which holds around 250 values. The Dimension list in Jet is sorted in the background by Dimension Code but displays the Description of the Dimension. If you have a country list which you have to filter on this is very cumbersome as the displayed list in not alphabetical as many countries doesn't start with the same letter. i.e. CH = Switzerland, Schweiz so this country would be found on top of the list and not with all the other S. This is the case for any existing dimensions. Display Code & Descriptions and allow both columns to be sorted A-Z or Z-A would be beneficial. (similar as in Jet Reports, Report Options, Drilldown. When you use Code & Name as fields you can sort on both columns in the drilldown).

  • Andrea Kuhn
  • Feb 4 2019
  • Under Consideration
  • Attach files