Product Ideas

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JETESS-I-106 Jet Scheduler Administration tool.

Jet Scheduler - Email notification that task completed (un)successfully Merged

It is a more convenient way of confirming whether the task was successful or not versus reviewing the log file or having to open the report.


E.g. I am the task administrator who schedule the task to run on behalf of the report end user. I am not interested in looking at the report itself to confirm if the task ran successfully or not, I would like a simple email notification of this instead.

  • Monique More
  • Feb 26 2019
  • Under Consideration
  • Kim Duey commented
    27 Feb, 2019 07:34pm

    Thank you so much for your contribution and providing more context around this issue. This is similar to a popular existing idea in our portal that I will merge this into which will add your vote.