Do you want to play a crucial role in shaping Jet Global products?
Jet Professional should have some additional features for Jet Scheduler like:
- several attempts to send email (like in JDM)
- error handling tool: verification of sending and creating xlsx/pdf (maybe some GUI for that)
- notification about succesful/failure of sending report
We have encounter issue when server was restarted and reports were not sent. In general everything was working fine and in Task Scheduler I saw that reports were sent but in fact they did not. The only thing to change was to enter credentials one more time for user running reports in Task Scheduler (run reports when user logged off). This is the reason why I have created above idea - to detect these errors before client.
Most critical that we need is - notification about successful/failure of sending each report under/via scheduler.
We have the need for the same.
I posted Something Something somewhat similar on March 2016, which was related to scalability and error handling management :