Product Ideas

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Jet Hub shared scheduled report

It will be a good feature in Jet Hub to be able to set up the ONE scheduler to refresh the report for all users with whom the report is shared, then the users can reach the updated report on their accounts.

With multiple users, it's quite uncomfortable to set up the scheduler for each user separately.

Maybe some additional button on scheduler "update also for shared users" or something like that. Then Report owner can decide if he wants to set the schedule only for himself or also for shared users for that report. Then the users can just log in and reach the updated reports and they do not need to think to set up the scheduler for the report. An additional advantage of that is much better performance, the report is updating only once, not multiple times for all users.

  • Krystian Krakowiak
  • May 18 2020
  • Under Consideration
  • Attach files
  • max marrie commented
    16 Apr, 2022 02:20am

    Yes I am using Jet hub for my business and it is quite simple and easy to use but some of its features useless for me and some features should be included for its better performance. I think scheduler should be more customable like you mention some points. I use this for scheduling my website posts and it is helping me good enough.

  • max marrie commented
    3 Jan, 2022 07:56am

    Yes, this could be a great feature. I also want to use these types of features for labour hire Brisbane website. Is someone here who can just implement some different features on my website?