Product Ideas

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View Complete Run History of Reports in the Jet Hub

The Jet Hub doesn't allow other users to view other user's Report Run History which makes complete sense from a permissions point of view. (User might see sensitive data in the history)

We were hoping though that the admin who already has full permission would be able to see that history for all users so they can view certain statistics such as most used report, which users use the reports the most, what is the run times for the reports for all users, etc. thus allowing the admin to manage the HUB more effectively. The admin would be able to do certain things such as:

  1. focus on trying to make slower reports more efficient
  2. create a folder names "Most Popular Reports"
  3. delete or improve reports that aren't being used


  • Guest
  • Jan 9 2019
  • Under Consideration
  • Attach files